Benefits of Sponsorship
Since 1999 over over 60 Manitoba Communities have experienced the benefits of the Manitoba Communities in Bloom program. These communities continue to be a part of our MB CiB “family”. It is due to our volunteers and the financial and in-kind support of sponsors that MB CiB can offer this valuable community development program.

Equinox Industries at the MB CiB Conference and Awards
Sponsors and partners of Manitoba Communities in Bloom enjoy many benefits. Depending on the level of sponsorship, the following services are available:
- Placement of your logo on MB CiB material (quarterly newsletter, letterhead, website, trade show display, Annual Conference and Awards)
- Link to your company or organization’s website on MB CiB website and Facebook posts
- Opportunity to submit article in quarterly newsletter The Community Path which is distributed to over 300 subscribers
- Distribution of your company’s product or service information at five trade shows attended by MB CiB
- Opportunity to participate in the MB CiB Annual Conference and Awards attended by approximately 100 delegates from across Manitoba (ex. display space, award sponsorship)